A wonderful Saturday and Sunday eating and drinking my way through London:

1. Cloud Land 遇见云南 | @cloudland__yujianyunnan Rice Noodle with Braised Pork Intestines in Spicy Soup
2. Workshop Coffee | @workshopcoffee
3. Brasserie Cantillon | @brasseriecantillonofficiel Gueuze at Mother Kelly’s Bethnal Green | @motherkellys_e2
4. Burning Sky Brewery | @burningskybeer From the Farm at The Pembury Tavern | @pemburytavern
5. Ace Pizza | @thisisacepizza at The Pembury Tavern | @pemburytavern
6. 107 Wine Shop & Bar | @107_e5
7-8. Zucchino| @viciousdishes + Armand Sansonnens | @armandsnsnnns at 107 Wine Shop & Bar | @107_e5
- Ikijimi Trout & Nasturtium
- Butter Poached Skate & Caponata
9. Hackney Church Brew Co. | @hackneychurchbrewco Halo
10. Lagom | @eatlagom at Hackney Church Brew Co. | @hackneychurchbrewco COAL ROASTED BEEF with crispy potatoes, cabbage, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and gravy

#ID4intheUK #latergram

📍London, England

