The New York Road Runners | @nyrr #rbcbrooklynhalf - what can I say about this race that everyone else hasn’t already said!?

I hate this race. The weather is always hit or miss. Battle Pass sucks. Ocean Parkway is an absolute SLOG.

But… I love this race. It’s pretty flat for the most part and if the weather’s nice, it can be a fast course.

Also? I think I’ve mentioned before that it was my first ever half marathon and today was my 11th time running it, all consecutively. There’s no other race I’ve run more often than this one.

So, yeah, a love-hate relationship for sure but I keep signing up every year so I guess I’d tilt more toward the former.

Was this my best half ever? No. Was this my best Brooklyn Half ever? No. But, hey, I’m sitting on the field of a professional baseball team’s stadium with a beer and a hot dog so I can’t complain.

Few more tiny races to go and then it’s time for the #windycityruniii training block.

📍Maimonides Park

