A wonderful Saturday evening and Sunday morning/afternoon eating and drinking my way through Taipei:

1-2. Ounce Taipei | @ouncetaipei
3. 極燒散子牛 小份安格斯牛肉 Small Angus Beef
4. 魏記水餃 白菜豬肉水餃 Pork & Chinese Cabbage Dumpling + 韭菜豬肉水餃 Pork & Leek (Chinese chives) Dumpling
5. W Taipei | @wtaipei
6. Wang’s Broth | @wangs_broth 魯肉飯 Braised Pork Rice + 單點焢肉 Stewed Pork-Single Order + 滷鴨蛋 Braised Duck Egg
7. 源芳 台湾式ハンバーガー Yuan Fang Guabao 刈包 Steam Bun
8. 九日咖啡(老店)9 Days Coffee
9-10. Taihu Gyoza Bar | @taihu.gyozabar.dongmen
- 韭菜豬肉 Leek Pork Gyoza
- Taihu Brewing | @taihubrewing West Coast DIPA 2.0 西遊記 2.0


📍Taipei, Taiwan

